Monday 5 July 2021

Eating well and living better


If we are looking for a prescription for longevity in the 21st century and embracing a positive lifestyle and at the same time, desires to enjoyable life journey, should follow the basic principles regarding nutrition both physical engagement and mindfulness.

It is well known that life expectancy has progressively increased in the last decades, but also at the same time there has been an increase in some common chronic diseases.  Consequently, quality of life is not improved and thus it affects health. 

It is imperative that quantity and quality of life should be checked, both cannot move together.  Thus, the first step is to modify this trend, i.e. to improve not only length of life but also wellness.  The answer is simple, we must have proper nutrition by eating well to maintain our health and aspire to live better.  Also, we must prevent these chronic diseases or, if already present, treat them better.

It has been observed that the main cause of death mostly in the adult age, especially wrong eating.  Not maintaining the proper dieting which causes obesity, diabetes linked cardiovascular complications. 

obesity is more prevalent in most countries.  Mostly, in low-income and poorly educated people and it is a great problem also in children and adolescents, with increasing numbers in the recent years.  Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death, not only by directly affecting them but also because it is strictly associated with the onset and the progression of type diabetes, another chronic and devastating illness.

Diabetes mainly affects the adult population.  It is very likely that across the world people suffer from this disease, which is one of the main causes of cardiovascular. 

Healthy eating is the main factor to prevent such things.  Diet is the essential meaning of healthy eating, and it is the most effective instrument to prevent obesity, diabetes, etc.  Actually, no drug is able to cure obesity while a correct nutrition, together with an adequate support from physical activity and counselling, can do it for a life-long period. 

Diet has demonstrated to be able to prevent the onset of diabetes and it is fundamental for the cure of the disease when it develops, alone or together with drugs if necessary.  No doubt, diet plays an important role in the treatment of common chronic diseases and cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension.

As a general rule, the main principle that should be considered when one is starting or maintain a healthy nutrition programme, it is important to establish not only the quantity but also the quality of the foods that can be assumed. 

If one needs to lose weight, as it happens in the vast majority of patients one should reduce the total amount of the ingested foods, especially of those with high caloric content. 

Concerning food choice, one can lookout for an official and very qualified source of information is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which periodically publishes food-based dietary guidelines for each country.

The main suggestions coming out from this source are briefly described below.  One can surely follow these recommendations:

  • Keeping in mind that bodyweight control is the main objective of a nutritional programme and that physical activity plays an important role
  • To modify the usual diet habits increasing the daily amount of cereals (especially those derived from whole grain), legumes, fruit and vegetables, i.e. products rich in carbohydrates and fibre
  • Dietary fats should be globally reduced, avoiding saturated fats (i.e. white meat and dairy products)
  • Preferring the unsaturated ones, especially olive oil, fish oil, etc.
  • Sugar and sugar-containing products should be also reduced
  • 1.5 - 2 litres of water should be drunk daily
  • Salt intake should be reduced while adding it to the usual cooked foods
  • Alcoholic beverages must be limited

Proteins should represent no more than 20-25% of total daily caloric intake, with a preference for fish or white meat

Another important concern is that while consuming meals, one should intake 2-3 times a day (cereals, fruit and vegetables) and consumed 1-2 times a week (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products).

Globally considered, these suggestions are the fundamental components in order to reduce cardiovascular risk. 

In practical, nutritional habits, unfortunately, oriented towards a high calorie and fats intake, which obviously inviting the disease to our body like obesity, diabetes. 

Many scientific pieces of evidence have clearly demonstrated that reducing overweight and modifying some dietary habits is a simple and effective way to fight against these diseases. 

To keep in mind, we should eat more healthy foods, which is a simple, effective and pleasant way to improve not only the duration but also the quality of our life, and this means that it is possible to have a long and pleasant life if we eat better.

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