Hunger is nothing new to the world, with the beginning of human civilization hunger has existed in the world.
As we are in the midst of 2022, still human being is unable to consume sufficient food to meet basic nutritional needs over a sustained period. Throughout history, hunger has affected nearly every area of the world to some degree. Cases of widespread hunger can be seen in ancient carvings, as well as discussed at length in old writings such as in the bible.
It is evident that hunger has affected the world population over centuries and continues to affect the world globally. Thus, it is important to note the driving forces behind global hunger. According to the media/news, global hunger reflects the regions of Asia and African countries and parts of India, where high degrees of hunger are still prevalent. Read Human Waste:
Hunger is a social problem. The pertinent question does arise as to how or why hunger exists to such a degree in certain areas of the world and exists much less in other areas. Surprisingly, when the world produces more than enough food on a continuous basis to feed the entire global population of 7 billion human beings, why does approximately 12% of the planet go hungry each day? Globally, plenty of food is already being produced as well as a large capacity to expand food production and efficiency, then the obvious question how can hunger exist? According to McMichael, Philip, the answer is that there is simply no single contributor or driver of hunger in the world.
It has been estimated that the number of people in the world affected by hunger increased in 2020 under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Causes of Global Hunger
If you look at certain areas of the world, one major driver of hunger is the “poverty trap.” We should understand the concept of the poverty trap and how it works. The poverty trap is a difficult cycle that people living in poverty often fall into. Because people are living with limited means, they must be highly selective with the use of their resources.
It means, these individuals purchase the cheapest possible food for themselves and their families. Cheaper food items tend to be less nutritious and healthy than more expensive food items. As individuals with limited means are only able to purchase less healthy foods, the individuals can be more susceptible to health issues and can become weaker than individuals with more resources. The lack of nutrition then often results in less healthy individuals, causing them to stay in poverty. This cycle of hunger and poverty continues, resulting in the poverty trap.
The poverty trap is a driver of hunger not only in underdeveloped countries but also to a high degree in developed countries such as the United States and areas of Europe. Particularly susceptible to the poverty trap are children of low-income parents who cannot afford to provide healthy foods for their children. Consuming unhealthy meals on a continuous basis tends to result in children underperforming in school and they are mental, physiological and physically weak, eventually leading to low-paying jobs and limited resources in the future.
A lack of infrastructure is a second driver of global hunger, which is mostly seen in developing countries. Countries with fragmented or poor infrastructure are also often found to have high levels of hunger. Mostly some countries in Asia and Africa lack basic infrastructures, such as paved roads, public transportation, and running water. Such a lack of infrastructure has a negative effect on the regional economy and limits the transportation of goods and individuals. It is common that a lack of irrigation and running water can significantly reduce agricultural yields, and a working system of roads can limit the movement of any agriculture across an area. Read- Is there really a God:
to the United Nations, [2014] investments in agriculture in countries with
high degrees of hunger are five times more effective in reducing poverty and
hunger than investment in any other sector of the economy.
A third contributor to hunger is the climate and the weather. Drought is reported to be one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world. Significant weather events, such as floods, large storms, and drought can result in the destruction of local crops and can seriously affect local economies. Prolonged or repetitive such events have been shown to result in hunger around the world. Recurring drought in the African countries of Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya has resulted in widespread crop failures and large livestock losses in the countries.
Today, these countries have some of the highest rates of hunger in the world, given their high dependency on crops and livestock for food. Some weather events, such as cyclones, tornados, and floods can result in shorter- term hunger, while events such as droughts can result in hunger without an end in sight.
Unstable food market condition is an emerging fourth driver of hunger in the world. The main concern is demand and supply of food around the world can have significant and immediate impacts on the prices of all food items around the world.
Major commodities such as corn, soybeans, and wheat have experienced extreme volatility over the past decade, resulting in many poor countries being unable to afford even the most basic food items. When prices dramatically increase, as they have over the past decade, the poor may be simply unable to purchase certain foods. As food prices rise, the poor are forced to purchase foods with less and less nutritional value. This shift results in less healthy individuals who become weak and unable to afford nutritious foods, similar to the poverty trap, that we are referred to.
Multitude of factors
- Global hunger is caused by several factors like:
- cyclical poverty
- lack of infrastructure investment
- weather events
- volatile food markets
- inequality
- lack of education
- overpopulation
On a global scale, these drivers of global hunger truly occur, affecting every area of the world to some degree.
According to McMichael, Philip, July 2009, the studies show that today over 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 per day. Of these 1.2 billion individuals in extreme poverty, over 805 million people struggle with hunger on a daily basis. As a direct result of hunger-related causes, over 2.6 million children die each year. These staggering statistics demonstrate the gravity of the situation of global hunger and the immense number of individuals that hunger affects every single day.
As per United Nations, 2014, great strides have been made in recent years in addressing global hunger. Since 1990 there has been a reduction in global hunger by approximately 34%. There has been a large effort since 1990 by large global organizations such as the United Nations and the World Food Program to curb rise rates of global hunger. These organizations have dedicated vast resources, both monetary and human, to addressing head-on the drivers of hunger in many countries around the world. These organizations and governments have flooded into developing countries over the past decades offering support in many different areas to improve the lives of the countries’ citizens.
The United Nations reports that global hunger has slowed by a greater percentage during the past decade than during any other period in recorded history, owed much to greater awareness and ability to help through mediums such as social media and the internet in general.
Notable advancements in reducing global hunger have been made around the world in recent history, buy there is still much work to be done. With the capability to produce more than enough food to feed the world over, huge proportions of the global population are still dying of hunger. There is much more that must be done to improve the current situation of global hunger in the world. Read-Designer Herbal Foods:
Hunger Now, 2013, avers, “Feed a man to fish and he will eat for a day, but teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime” this is quite applicable to the type of change that would like to see for global hunger.
should understand that hunger has substantial economic costs for individuals, families and
whole societies.
While analyzing extreme cases of hunger on the planet, the areas that are pertaining to such as unfavourable weather [droughts, floods, typhoons], uneducated populations, weak governments, and poor infrastructure. These are serious issues and take significant events to manage or change.
Everything up to these areas, among others, can be solved and treated, however, hunger will continue to exist if these areas are left unchanged.
As per Bread for the World, 2014, individuals in developed countries need to be proactive and push governments to assist in driving large changes in the aforementioned areas. These changes take significant involvement and can likely only be spurred by other countries and governments.
No doubt, global hunger is a major problem around the world today, affecting hundreds of millions of individuals across all counties. Throughout the past decades, notable improvements have taken place, but it remains a serious issue with no clear end anywhere in sight.
It is critical that individuals and countries must approach global hunger by focusing on the root causes, instead of solely focusing on alleviating the negative effects. Also, it is encouraged that more individuals do so in order to put an end to global hunger.
The pertinent question is how to reduce
poverty and hunger. Here are the
following steps:
- Create awareness
- Emphasis on proper Sanitation and Clean Water.
- Education
- Self-volunteer
- Donate
- Should be gender equality
- Create jobs
The main motto is that all human beings should have access to the resources needed to live a healthy life and the world would be a much happier and more productive place to live in.
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