Saturday, 23 April 2022

Designer Herbal Foods - A New Hope

In today’s hectic world, a proper healthy routine is difficult to control and due to this people’s eating habit and lifestyle is changing.  Nowadays they are consuming junk food which is increasing the chance of various diseases and nutritional deficiencies. 

It is a matter of concern and there must be a check on the consumption pattern. The new trend of designer foods can be the best solution.  The obvious question what is ‘Designer Foods’? 

Designer Foods 

Designer foods that fortified with healthy ingredients.  These foods provide extra nutrition and health.  Designer foods can be fortified with herbs that fight against deadly diseases. Herbs are being used since time immemorial as medicine.  

Generally, pharmaceutical companies, add only the active ingredient in the drug but in designer foods, whole herb extract is added which gives immense benefit.  Designer food containing the whole herb will be more beneficial than drugs containing the only active ingredient. Market available drugs have various side effects, but these designer herbal foods will not cause any side effects. 

According to Ayurveda, the herb is used as a whole plant including the leaves, root, fruit, flower, bark etc. in designer food they are using the whole plant.  The Ayurvedic formulation is effective, easy, and safer than the western formulation.  The only disadvantage is time-consuming.

Food Safety and Standards Act 

India has the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, Food Safety and Standards Rules, 2011, Food Safety and Standards Regulations, 2011 and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India [FSSAI] established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 as a statutory body for laying down science-based standards for articles of food and regulating manufacturing, processing, distribution, sale and import of food so as to ensure safe and wholesome food for human consumption.  

In India, normal food, nutraceutical, designer food/functional food, etc. are not categorized separately [FSSAI 2006]. 

Herbs have been in use for uncounted time for various purposes.  Herbs are used as spices and flowering agents in the kitchen. A pharmaceutical company also used it in perfume and cosmetics. 

Herbs contain antioxidants, vitamins, essential oils and many other nutrient substances that help fight against toxins, germs and also boost the immunity level. 


Designer food: designer foods are conventional food fortified with ingredients that have disease- preventing properties.

Functional food: It is defined as food that provides health benefits to the human body.

Nutraceutical: Specific chemical compounds in food, including Vitamins and additives that may aid in preventing diseases.

Pharma food: Food and nutrient that claim medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment

of disease.

Phytochemicals: These are chemicals derived from plants that have disease-preventing properties.

Herbs have many properties which make them a beneficial ingredient to be incorporated into food products. Herbs have properties like:

  • Alteratives-known as blood purifiers, the herb with this property is used in treating toxicity of blood, infections, arthritis, cancer and skin eruptions,
  • Analgesics-Herbs which are having property to relieve pain,
  • Antacids-Herbs that neutralize excess acids in the stomach and intestines,
  • Antiabortives-Herbs that help to inhibit abortive tendencies,
  • Antiasthmatics-Herbs which relieve symptoms of asthma, Antibiotics-Inhibit the growth of or destroy, bacteria, viruses or amoebas,
  • Anticatarrhals-Eliminate or counteract the formation of mucus,
  • Antipyretics- Herbs have cooling property, which is used to reduce or prevent fever,
  • Antiseptics-Herbs that can be applied to the skin to prevent the growth of bacteria,
  • Aphrodisias- Herbs have the active ingredients which improve sexual potency and power,
  • Astringents-Herbs have to constrict, and the binding effect is used to check hemorrhages and secretions and to treat swollen tonsils and hemorrhoids
  • Carminatives-Herbs and spices have the property to relieve gas and griping,
  • Cholagogues- Herbs have active ingredients which promote the flow and discharge of bile into the small intestine,
  • Demulcents-Herbs as soothing substances usually mucilage, taken internally to protect damaged or inflamed tissues,
  • Diaphoretics-Herbs which have the property to induce sweating,
  • Diuretics-Increase the flow of urine. They are used to treat water retention, Obesity, Lymphatic swellings, nerve inflammations, infections of urinary extract, skin eruptions and kidney stones,
  • Emmenagogues-Herbs have the property to promote menstruation, induce abortions,
  • Emallients-Substances that are softening, soothing and protective to the skin,
  • Expectorants-Assist in expelling mucus from lungs and throat,
  • Galactogogues-Herbs which increase the secretion of milk,
  • Hemostatics- Substances that arrest hemorrhaging,
  • Laxatives- Herbs promote bowel movement,
  • Lithotriptics- Herbs that help to dissolve and eliminate urinary and biliary stones and gravels,
  • Nervines-Herbs that calm nervous mention & nourish the nervous system,
  • Parasiticides- Herbs have the property to destroy parasites in the digestive tract or on the skin,
  • Rubefacients-Substances that increase the flow of blood at the surface of the skin and produce where they are applied,
  • Sialagogues- Substances that stimulate the flow of saliva and thus aid in the digestion of starches,
  • Stimulants-Herbs that increase the energy of the body, drive the circulation, break up the obstruction and warm the body,
  • Vulneraries- Herbs that encourage the healing of wounds by promoting cell growth and repair

There are immense health benefits of Herbs.  In general, these herbs can be fortified in the conventional foods we consume. 

The table shows Herbs, Designer food & their Health Benefits



Designer Foods

Health Benefits


Juice fortified with amla, Mouth freshener, Fortified candy

Anti-inflammatory,  Anti-



Fortified juice, smoothie

Blood    formation, Treat hysteria, swellings

Joe Vega

Fortified juice, jelly, capsules, smoothies

Stimulation of insulin secretion decreases cholesterol


Fortified tea juice, smoothies

As an antidiabetic, antifertility, antistress agent, common cold and fever, as antioxidant, stress resilience


Fortified instant soup, a milk fortification

Insulin resistance, control blood sugar level, stop allergy and asthma symptoms


Fortified oil, fortified spreads

Reduce cholesterol level


Fortified in milk, fortified in sweet dish

Anti-cancer, activity, antidiabetic activity


Fortified               in dairy products

Rejuvenation therapy, tranquillizer



Amla is well known for its nutritional qualities. It is rich in polyphenols, minerals and is regarded as one of the richest sources of vitamin C.  A whole amla fruit treats Asthma, stomach pain, indigestion, constipation, weakness, cough, jaundice etc.


Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit word means “smell of a horse” “Ashw” means horse and “Gandha” means the smell. It indicates that the herb is having the capacity to impart the strength of a horse in the human body. It helps to strengthen the immune system of the human body after an illness.  It acts as a nutritive tonic, stimulant and offers powerful nutritional support, energy and rejuvenation.

Aloe Vera

The Aloe vera plant mainly cures skin, health, and hair problems. Aloe vera is an Arabic word. “Aloe” means “shining bitter after substance “while vera means “truth” in Latin. It is a member of the Lilly family. It contains 7s Nutrients, Minerals, Amino acids and Active enzymes.

It mainly contains Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, folic acid and Niacin.  Aloe vera helps in the secretion of, it decreases blood sugar also decreases the level of cholesterol and free fatty acid.

Holy basil (Tulsi)

Tulsi is known as the “Queen of plants”. The mother medicine of nature. The plant Tulsi or Holy Basil is a weed but also cultivated. Tulsi is an important symbol of the Hindu religion.  The leaves of basil are specific for many fevers, coughs and many others.

Tulsi strengthens the immune response by enhancing both cellular and humoral immunity.


Shankhpushpi is a Sanskrit word that means “the plant with flower-shaped like a conch (shankh).” Shankhpushpi plant branches are spread on the ground. The flower is blue and the leaves are elliptic in shape. This whole plant is used as a herb and according to Ayurveda is considered “Medhya Rasayana. 

This plant is potential for antiulcer, antioxidant, antidiabetic, analgesic, antifungal, antibacterial, antistress, anxiolytic and cardiovascular activity.  The consumption of this herb is also to prevent medical loss and improve memory power which is why it is called  BRAIN TONIC.

It is beneficial for weight gain and overall health.  It brings a significant reduction in anxiety levels and neuroticism occurring due to varied stress.


Perceptibly, designer herbal foods have significant promise in the promotion of human health and disease prevention.  Health professionals, nutritionists and regulatory toxicologists should strategically work together to plan appropriate regulations to provide the ultimate health and therapeutic benefit to mankind.

The interaction of designer herbal food with food and drugs is another area, which should be taken into consideration. Still, designer food has to be explored more. Long-term clinical studies are required to scientifically validate the designer herbal food in various medical conditions.

No doubt, designer herbal foods – are a new hope to improve human health keeping in mind the health benefits and food products in which they can be fortified.  









Thursday, 7 April 2022

Lesson from war and peace

People have seen the devastating war scenario and its impact and how does it paralyse the world economy. The mobilizing of science and technology with devastating weapons massacre civilian life and other crises too.  The leading examples were World War I and World War II.

How man-made have punctuated human history from war to disease to climate change?  Recently the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war is another set of examples.  It is important to sense the urgency, and can we learn from these experiences of war? 

The basic problem is that can we avoid the battlefront?  There should be a scope of how to handle the crisis and helped to win a war without any muscle power!  Across the world, developed and developing countries should come into the fore to find a long-lasting solution.  Yes, we cannot invite again World War III.  India is the largest democracy in the world and can play a decisive role to uphold the base of humanity and putting an end to this ongoing warfare. 

One should know the exposure of bombing exposure has a long-term effect. During 1965-1975 when the United States [US] air force bombing on Vietnam, and Vietnam people, the situation was devastating, and the disability rates are continued even after so many years!

War is devastating! Its adverse effects on the nutritional environment and human capital attainment.  The findings underpin the consequences of war leading to food security, inadequate health and proper rehabilitation services for people in conflict-affected zones.  We should understand wars and armed conflicts are detrimental to the development of nations.

We cannot live in constant fear and hate and the impact of war, the ways in which people and nations behave are terrible.  The utmost duty is to encourage hope and cooperation among people and nations.

Lasting impact

War also has long-lasting impacts on the health of survivors and of people born after the war ends.  It inflicts injury and trauma through direct exposure to violence and weapons.  Yes, it is obvious that the war resulted in the depletion of health care infrastructure and services; the reduction of arable land and nutrition; disruption to education and livelihoods and contamination of the environment.

Perceptibly, wars place pressures on public resources toward economic and military reconstruction rather than the rebuilding of health systems.  Exposure to biological and chemical agents of warfare can cause delayed and inter-generational health effects.  Poor conditions experienced during pregnancy and early childhood may have irreversible consequences on health.  

One should understand that exposure to armed conflict in childhood has also been linked to long-lasting detrimental effects on mental health, self-rated health satisfaction, BMI, and chronic health conditions such as stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. 

The pertinent question is whether the war victim nation can overcome as a self-sufficient economy and respect health also? 

According to World Health Organization & World Bank, approximately 15% of the world’s population, more than a billion people, are estimated to be living with a disability.  

As per Ghoboarah et al. (2003) estimate the long-term effects of civil war on disability. 

Ghobarah, Huth & Russert, 2003 avers conflict gives rise to a range of conditions that increase the risk of disease and injury whose longer-term consequences are exacerbated by other macro-level influences of conflict on public health. 

According to researchers, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers” that based on the history of overextended great powers. 

No doubt, the destruction and deterioration of healthcare infrastructure and services due to bombing could hasten the sequela of injuries and health conditions into long-term impairments and disability.  Economic difficulties and limited investments in public health infrastructure are also a matter of concern.

The war encompasses malnutrition, poor living conditions and affects physical and mental health conditions, which has a long-term impression and can understand in the later stage of life.

The prosperity of any nation depends on clarity based on historical experience and lessons, understanding the reality of the international strategies and grasping the trends for the future. 


We in turn fuse insights from the general model with specific lessons from these examples to develop a general framework for decision-making around these issues.  It is evident that intense and sustained aerial bombing led to long-term effects on the poor nutritional environment, human capital depletion and low-quality public healthcare and economic growth and welfare. 

In World War II research efforts including a storied component of it, the Manhattan Project has become the canonical reference for crisis innovation policy and sometimes even non-crisis innovation policy, including problems as varied as artificial intelligence [House Armed Services Committee 2020] and clean energy development [Alexander 2008].  

The largest military conflicts in human history were in World War I & II and people had witnessed political and economic instability across the world.  Estimated deaths range from 50-80 million. 38 to 55 million civilians were killed, including 13 to 20 million from war-related disease and famine.

There are a lot of challenges more broadly, including tackling slower-moving calamities like climate change, or long-standing problems like poverty or degenerative diseases.  It was out of place to mention that America nuking over Japan with an atomic bomb. 

At this juncture, it is important for scholars and policymakers should bring out a template of a wartime model to avoid the crisis not only win the war but also transformed civilian life.  Also, to see how it can be useful to solve crisis problems.  We do not want WW III anymore, rather than our focus on peace-loving people and aspirations for a better life.  And, in cooperation with other nations, we should foster capital investment in areas needing development. 

World War I and World War II remain the two greatest military conflicts of modern times. All the foreign policymakers across the world should have discussions on how to draw a lesson from the outbreak of war. The moot of the discussion should be based on historical experience and lessons, understanding the reality of the international strategies and grasping the trends for the future. 

However, for the new generation, ideology played a crucial role as well. It is one thing to say that one’s nation and race are superior, but quite a more meaningful thing to say that one’s way of life is more useful.  The main motto is to plan for a better world in peace and encourage hope and cooperation and reduce fear and hate. 

According to H G Wells “If we don’t end the war, war will end us.” We should learn from lessons, especially the causes and outcomes and let every country respect the existence of others. 


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