Thursday, 29 July 2021

SOP followed by the library during unlocking

Libraries all over the globe have been temporarily under closure due to lockdown imposed as a measure to quantify the spread of COVID-19. Libraries are facing this kind of situation first time in the history of the world that libraries have suspended their services for a long period. There is no standard operating procedure exist to tackle this kind of peculiar situation and to continue the basic services of the libraries. Some standard operating procedures are adopted by the libraries and basic library services are initiated by the libraries with the help of social media in the unlock phased manner.

Most of the libraries have resumed their basic services in the unlock phase one like on-demand document delivery, reference services, access of e-resources to the remote location. The library has reached to the users through webinars new online technology to be aware and how to use these e-resources. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are found most suitable social media platforms for university libraries to provide library services.

In the present emergency, it is felt that social media tools should be implemented properly in the university libraries. It is also felt that social media is very useful for the libraries to disseminate the information in this kind of situation. Librarian can play a vital role in information dissemination with the help of utilizing effective social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other to educate people with maintaining preventive measures during the lockdown period.

The role of university libraries and information specialists has been completely changed in this kind of unexpected situation. University libraries and information professionals can play their role on three levels.

  • To spread public awareness by providing authentic information related to the precautionary measures.
  • To support the research team involved in specific research by providing related information to the research, the latest update on ongoing research and literature.
  • To meet the basic needs of the routine library users.

When it has started unlocking in phase manner, because educational activities and other commercial activities cannot be stopped for long period, due to this compulsion all possible educational works in the universities have been resume. When educational works have started in the universities, the libraries cannot be kept under closure. Libraries will have to resume their essential services and it is important to have a standard operating procedure (SOP) followed and provided to its users.

Preventive measures and guidelines/SOP followed by the library during unlocking

  • No Entry into the library without wearing a face mask.
  • Thermal scanning of every visitor at the entry gate has been made compulsory in the library. 
  • Complete contact detail of the visitors entered in the visitor register for easy contact tracing if, required.
  • Advisory issued to the library officials that they stay at home if they feel sick or have any symptoms of COVID-19.
  • A commonplace like property counter, circulation counter, stairs sidearms, computer lab and stacks are properly sanitize frequently.
  • Those books checked in by the borrowers were kept in a separate place at least for 48 hours.
  • Square boxes at the distance of two-meter were made at the entry gate, circulation counter and in the front of the self-check-in book drop system for maintaining proper social distancing.
  • Advisory has issued to every office that they should stay at their respective seat and do not gather at one place.  

It has been suggested library services should be provided by the libraries during the pandemic to its users specifically and the public in general.

Services related to public awareness- The library has uploaded the relevant videos on YouTube and share links on Facebook Page and Twitter to spread cut the awareness among the public about the causes, symptoms and precautionary measures of COVID-19. Important notices related to library closures, No Dues etc. have been posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Link to the Latest articles on COVID-19 and new arrival in the library collection has been posted on a different social media platform.

Services provided to Research scholars and faculty members- All Subscribed e-resources were made available in remote locations and awareness about how to use these e-resources spread through social media. 

Basic Services of the library – Library have circulated notices through social media platform regarding the borrowing of books, No Dues certificate, issuance of library cards and other issues related to the library. Books borrowing facility to the students is also provided, they can send their request through e-mail and library officials convey the date and time to visit in the library to collect the books.

Short reference services through social media – Short reference services like, what are the opening hours of the library during the closure? when is the library will function in full swing? how I can borrow books from the library? how I can deposit the library books? what about overdue charges during the lockdown period? this kind of reference service has been provided through e-mail, messenger, Facebook and telephonically. This could only be due to the help of social media. 

In the time of information explosion, it is very difficult for the users to find out authentic and accurate information. Libraries are the only sources that can handle the situation effectively because they have the expertise for the same. In such an extraordinary situation it is important to know that how university libraries can provide basic library services, authentic information and promoting public health awareness.     

The prime is to find out that what kind of innovative tools are adopted by the University library for providing the library services during the lockdown period. The main objectives are given below:

To know the effectiveness of different social media tools adopted by the university library for providing library services during the lockdown period;

  • To know the type of services provided through social media;
  • To know the response of the users related to the library services provided in lockdown period;
  • To find out the most effective social media platform for providing library services.

There is a need for proper guidelines and some necessary steps for effective implementation of the social media tools in the university libraries in a pandemic like COVID-19. These are some suggestions that should be followed in the libraries.

  • Trained library staff should be deputed for the library services through social media. A regular training programme should be organized for the technological up-gradation of the library officials.
  • Popular social media tools in the respective region should be identified after proper research and that should be institutionalised so that every user can be benefited even in a remote location.
  • User awareness programmes should be organised by the libraries from time to time- related to the use of social media.
  • Social media policy should be a frame for the libraries for effective library services.

In the crisis time of COVID-19 when all educational institutions were under closure and all types of library services temporarily suspended social media provide a light of hope that there is a possibility of providing essential library services to its users with the help of social networking sites. The library could be able to convey different kinds of important messages to the users through social media. It is also realised that there is a lot of steps to be taken by the library to provide effective library services through social media in the future.         



Monday, 19 July 2021

Shivangi Singh – A beacon of light

When the world is witnessing a major change in the entertainment industry especially Bollywood and try to find out means and ways to get out from the reel life to real life that transition is quite harsh because of they what saw and read in the print and electronic media, social platform and other means of sources is painful for a common man to sylloge.

The people whom they awe as a ‘hero’ and worship them as a ‘demi-idol’ found to be in some unfair trade, it may be a different sphere of fields, where the tag of heroship is continued indulging in something which is inexcusable get daunt.  Can celebrities be our role models?

Especially the younger generation are fascinated and amidst difficult to get the right choice to whom they inculcate as a hero|national hero.   The young lads are baffled because of a dearth of role models or real heroes.  As today’s generation is mostly engulfed with character assassination rather than character manifestation, which is a hindrance for any nation to prosper.

The pervading news of Shivangi Singh makes history, becomes the first woman pilot to fly Rafale [modern multi-role fighter aircraft] emanates a positive reflection among the women and the younger ones.  She was formally inducted into the Indian Air Force will soon join the Ambala-based No. 17 squadrons, also known as "Golden Arrows." 

Abruptly, the mood swings of the public tend to fetch a broad outlook and somewhat the people can now portray better and get a clear picture that it is we who embraced and made Bollywood our role model rather than those brave men/women who are safeguarding our nation with their life. We must understand the ‘priority’ and stop idolise these fake and socially designed people of celluloid. 

In a true sense, Shivangi Singh, an inspiration to young women and children, should be the role model for many of them, who is making proud of the Indian Air Force and the Nation.  She has touched the sky with glory and is looking cute in front of Rafel.  

Perceptibly, she set an example to the women fraternity that nothing is impossible.  Without saying the qualities to borne – education, dedication, diligence, reverence, great enthusiasm and passion are to be seen in a pilot’s character and Shivanghi deserves those qualities to become a fighter pilot. 

It is imperative that people should need to be more focussed rather than tend to live in an illusion world and also bear in mind that not divert from real issues.         

No doubt, it is a pride moment for her family, but it gives a strong introspection for the younger generation, whom to choose as a celebrity – doing malpractice, drug addict, safeguard the nation! 

Whatever the journey she has done, this is quite flinted and clear and an eye-opener for everyone that the greatest profession is to perform duty with national forces and serve the nation and its citizens.

One can be immersed in any field, but his/her act of deeds should be decent and have a sense of patriotism because indulging in indecent behaviour can ruin the society and the nation at large. 

A glimpse of human touch

Recently, Sonu Sood has honoured with the Special Humanitarian Action Award by the United Nations Development Programme for his selfless efforts to help people in challenging times.

With this honour, he joins the list of global personalities the likes of Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, David Beckham, Emma Watson, who also received this admiration.  He will be now known internationally. 

Sonu Sood, who has done exemplary work in cinemas and is a well-known renowned actor cutting across India, played a bandit in most of his movies, shown a great example of magnanimous service and humanitarian work that benefited thousands, if not lakhs of people in need during the pandemic and lockdown.  The new hero of a new generation and became the talk of the town during the lockdown. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a deep impact on every walks of life and his way of approach during pandemics and lockdown especially to the needy and poor people is phenomenal.  He is an icon for them.    

Perceptibly, it is a strong message and a great lesson to learn how one can do humane service without any expectation. 

The basic concept as a human being, the first and foremost duty to do humane service to those who are indigent.  In today’s busy life, or what we so-called modern society, the glory of humane touch has been lost somewhere. In a civilised society, the core ethics and the value of humaneness should be taken the center stage, especially in bleak times.

It is very flint and clear that you cannot become a God but one can continue to do God's work and inspire others by extending help to the poor and needy.  Really, if we want to thrive as a society the humane touch | humanity should be the prime focus to live in. 

Sonu Sood, himself set a grandiose example, it is an eye-opener for everyone despite government aid an individual should understand the responsibilities towards the betterment of society.  No doubt, it is the people who can change ssociety by actively participating in the social activities. 

As an individual, can express ourselves and be unique by working to improve our life in kindness and help those who are both already in discomfort.  Distinctly, in small steps, we can make the world a better place to breathe and live in.

It would be surprising to know that most people put energy into false values.  A person fighting with false values will always lose and this is one of the reasons why modern society is falling apart.  In order to survive and sustain human society, we should perpetuate the human values. 

An individual who has both personal and social life is impregnated by a great sense of rectitude.  If one is devoid of philanthropy work, loss of moral integrity and ethos is a clear signal of destruction of civilization.  Apparently, many researchers study the facet of the society and celebrities like Sonu Sood, who are involved with alms-giving help to perpetuate the human values specifically in the post-modern era.  

It is imperative to comprehend the humane touch, humanitarian, human values and should be imbibed and treated as a decisive element to the solution of the global problems.

The urge to break free

As per the Psychologist, in this modern age, children are not brought up peacefully.  They are under pressure to deliver at school and also for competitive examinations.  The fact is that the educational system in India has not served its purposes [though reforms of the educational system were announced]. 

Basically, our educational system is based on memorisation, more than the application of information, knowledge and personal development.  After they reach the age of young adulthood, it is quite obvious in the family no one cares/gives them any advice about the significance of life. Furthermore, there is a strong negative correlation between national average suicide rates and measures of life satisfaction.

De facto, growing up is more stressful today than it was ever before.  Even if child scores high marks are not happy because in the next class parents’ expectations will be high and thus onus would be on the child to perform better and this fear slowly and gradually creeping up leads to dangerous steps.

The pertinent question is being unable to express emotions, putting on a façade of sociability and living in a life that is more pretension than reality, has alienated us from the world and made us a prisoner of our own dreams.

Though a 24-hour hotline called ‘Operation Hope’ was set up for students to cope up with exams earlier and they did receive almost 2000 calls, out of which 500 came from teenagers with suicidal tendencies.  A six-year-old girl, howling over the phone shared the experience was a bitter one, she felt neglected ever since she joined her new school since all her classmates seemed to look down on her inability to converse in English and thus leading to her frustration.

The fear factor is not scoring well enough to match parents’ expectations and thus the tragic things happened, in those cases parents’ should come forward when the children needed it most. 

When we are talking about an urban working woman, it is to be noted that even for them to balance both household activities and the job as well also lead result in low spirits.  In the workplace, they have to cope with the other sex to do better, be noticed and appreciated.

During the last few years, the number of suicide cases has gone up.  The rigid patterns of family formation are an important factor that pushes many youngsters to kill themselves.  Now, it is of utmost importance to give counselling to the parents and leaders to think and grapple with the ideals of individual freedom and choice.  While we are pursuing a global capitalist economy with underlying vigour, this is one aspect cannot shy away from.

In this modern era, at a certain point of time, we as a human being do experience the feelings of loneliness, distress, helplessness and hopelessness.  The death of a family member, the break-up of a relationship, blows to our self-esteem, feeling of worthlessness, major financial setbacks are serious problems that all of us may have to face at some point of time in our lives.  

Each and every person has his/her own emotion and because this emotional makeup is unique, each of us tend to respond to the situation differently.

It is necessary that whatever the crisis one is going through, be evaluated from his/her perspective.  What may seem of minor importance to someone else and insignificant may be distressful to another.

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Is smoking a bad habit?

Smoking is not something new among people. A cross-section of the society is into it. Smoking has become a part of society and is not even considered a bad habit.

It is to be said since 600 BC tobacco plants have started to be planted.  It was Columbus who saw the Indians smoking tobacco, particularly in certain ceremonies as a symbol of hospitality. 

Multiple studies have shown the health risks of smoking, but that does not make it disappears as most smokers seemed not to care much about the results of the study.  Smoking is one of the bad habits that are difficult to abandon.

Cigarettes contain more than 59 known carcinogenic substances. It is the main preventable cause of premature death. Smoking contributes to diseases that result in death such as heart disease and lung cancer.

In 2008, Indonesia had been established as the third-largest country as a cigarette user by the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the study more than 60 million people in Indonesia experience addictions and deaths from cigarette consumption with a record of more than 400 thousand deaths per year.

A cigarette is injurious to health. It contains various components which caused adverse effects is as follows:

  • More than 4,000 kinds of chemicals
  • More than 59 known to be carcinogenic substances
  • Several metal components and free radicals
  • Contain tar and nicotine
  • direct effect on the oral cavity

Tar is one of the carcinogenic substances found in cigarettes, while nicotine is an addictive substance that causes dependency or addiction.

Smokers believe that the use of filters can reduce the negative effects of smoking.  Though filters only reduce nicotine levels between 25% -50%, while the rest enters the body.  The moment tar is entered into the bloodstream is quite dangerous and cause damaging the oral cavity.

In fact, continuity stimulation of cigarette smoke can cause damaging effects towards oral mucosa, one of which is smoker’s melanosis pigmentation.  This disorder is directly related to smoking habits regarding the length of smoking and the number of cigarettes consumes, which we are called active smokers. 

  • filter smokers
  • occurrence of smoker’s melanosis

In addition, the number of males is relatively higher as compared to the number of females and particularly male students are found in the category of the age of 18- 23 years. 

In general, smoking habits can be based on relationships between:

Apparently a smoker’s melanosis is likely to increase in people with longer smoking habits.  The smoker’s melanosis is influenced by the length of smoking of an individual, the longer an individual smokes, the more likely he/ she is to have a smoker’s melanosis.

Smoker’s melanosis is hyperpigmentation of the oral mucosa.  The prevalence of smokers with smoker’s melanosis are wondering does it needs treatment or not.  Though smoker’s melanosis is a benign disorder in the oral cavity that does not require treatment, however, the lesion form on the gingiva will greatly disrupt the aesthetics.

There has been a strong relationship between smoking and a smoker’s melanosis. In addition, the assumption of the use of filters on cigarettes can reduce the adverse effects of smoking. 

The general perception is how one can have a smoker’s melanosis.  The smoker’s melanosis is influenced by the length of smoking of an individual, the longer an individual smokes, the more likely he/ she is to have a smoker’s melanosis.

Now, it is quite apparent that smoker’s melanosis occurs more often in people who have a greater daily smoking habit.  It is based on the theory that a smoker’s melanosis is influenced by the number of cigarettes consumed. The more cigarettes we consume each day, the more likely we are to have smoker’s melanosis.

Smoker’s melanosis is a type of pigmentation that appears quite often in people who have a smoking habit.  However, it should be noted that a smoker’s melanosis is not a lesion that would lead to malignancy. If one is stopped smoking within a few months to several years, there is a possibility that the clinical symptoms can be resolved.  So, it is the choice of an individual to abstain from smoking. 

Since a smoker’s melanosis is a type of pigmentation and this pigmentation is stimulated by various drugs such as nicotine (polycyclic mixture material) contained in a cigarette.

Nicotine (C10H14N2) is an alkaloid chemical compound that has a strong and stimulant effect on the human body, so it will cause addictive effects for anyone who is addicted.  Nicotine is also known to play a role in the stimulating melanin found in the skin and other tissues such as the oral mucosa.  It can disrupt the stability of the melanin pigment.  Melanin is a type of natural pigment that is synthesized in the human body.  Melanosis can be caused by two things. First, physical and chemical reactions and the second is increasing the number of melanin pigments.

As the longer and more a person smokes, the more melanin pigment deposits. It has been shown that there is a relationship between smoking habits in filter smokers with the occurrence of smoker’s melanosis in terms of smoking duration and the number of cigarettes consumed.

Perceptibly, smoking is one of the bad habits. Cigarettes contain more than 59 known carcinogenic substances. It also contains some metal components and free radicals. Though smoking is difficult to abandon yet the study reflects the adverse effects of smoking, the choice is yours.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Social isolation is a growing public health

Social isolation means the lack of social contacts. It is characterized by few relationships with other people, as well as little involvement in social organizations. 

Studies have shown that social isolation is painful to older people and linked with :

  • Health risks
  • Chronic conditions
  • Functional impairment
  • Worse mental and cognitive health, as well as an
  • Increase in premature and all-cause mortality

In general, a lot of factors are associated who are socially isolated.  Among them are as follows:

  • Health problems
  • Retirement
  • The break with support networks and friends
  • Economic constraints and the death of partners and friends

During the isolation process, low levels of physical activity and the inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables are important risk factors for health.  It has been seen among older people not only their health but overall health gets deteriorated -- physical health, mental health, physical functioning and cognitive health. 

According to Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, 57.1% of adults consume fruit and 59.6% have vegetables in their diet on a daily basis, but there are significant differences between the daily intake of fruit and vegetables.

Social isolation is a disease.  Mainly the isolation captures three distinct periods of the life course [pre-retirement, post-retirement and oldest age] that might influence physical activity and dietary behaviours. 

Whenever we are talking about physical activity, divides into moderate and vigorous physical activity.  

Social isolation can be designed on a model.  It is based on conditions like:

  • Not living with a partner
  • Not belonging to any organisations, clubs or religious groups
  • Having less than monthly contact with friends, family or children

Mental health is also a factor of isolation.  It can be assessed by feelings of depression, pessimism, wishing death, guilt, irritability, tearfulness, fatigue, sleeping troubles, loss of interest, loss of appetite, reduction in concentration, and loss of enjoyment over a month or so. 

The social isolation of older adults is a growing public health concern, as it has been associated with poor health and premature mortality.  It is an analysis of the relationship between social isolation and physical inactivity and the non-consumption of fruit or vegetables every day.

One must take into account the content and functions of social exchanges otherwise an individual becomes isolated which makes them vulnerable in terms of health problems.  Social relationships have three main functions -- social integration, social support and companionship.

It is important to imply pleasant interactions and joint activities with others that create well-being. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet are two of the four main behavioural risk factors for non-communicable diseases. 

It has been found that social isolation is associated with physical inactivity and an inadequate diet in the population aged 50 plus.   Several factors that can be evaluated of social isolation based on:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Education
  • Income
  • Physical and mental health
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Having ever smoked
  • Calculation of doctor’s appointments over a month
  • Non-consumption of fruit or vegetables every day
  • Insufficient physical activity also has a negative effect on mental health and quality of life.

It has been witnessed that socially isolated individuals are more prone to be physically inactive and to consume less fruit or vegetables on a daily basis compared with non-isolated ones.

Therefore, older people, their families, social and medical institutions, healthcare professionals and country policymakers should be aware of physical inactivity and for that reason, in an ageing society healthy behaviours are of the utmost importance.

Thus, it is important to frame a policy that should counter social isolation.  Moreover, there should be an opportunity for social interaction by engaging in physical activity and having a balanced diet.  More age-friendly environments are required to tackle social isolation among older individuals.

Considering the importance, it is imperative there should be research on examining the possible relationship between social isolation and the above-mentioned health risk behaviours of middle-aged and older adults.  This result should reinforce the importance of social and health policies targeting highly socially isolated among older people. 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

How to Make Digitalization Better for well-being


We are living in the modern era and in the midst of technology upgradation where knowledge plays a vital role.  As modern people, we are in the development and transformation of social-economic processes and the digital technology that ensures not only positive effects but also supposed to increase the quality of human life.

Digitalization, a new step, a new level of technological progress is supposed to be aimed at increasing the quality of life.  It is not just an instrument but a status that impetus of a modifying factor changing social life in its every sphere. The implementation of digital technologies in human life, act as a catalyst for the information society development. 

The era of digitalization transforms. The interaction and exchange of communication have reached certain levels where:

  • The way people interact with the world around
  • Changes the internal world
  • Attitude to the world, to oneself, and to what it means to be us [human]
  • The information and communication technologies have an ever-increasing influence on :
  • Human self-esteem
  • Mutual actions
  • Socialization
  • Concept of reality and its perception as well as
  • Interaction with reality

Perceptibly, in the modern world, digitalization acts as one of the key determinants of human development, which can be based on the perception of subjective as well objective indicators of the quality of life.

Driven by the digital revolution it extends human development opportunities, the increased value of time, opportunities for creativeness and self-development, implies economic growth & welfare measure and the improvement of the well-being of the country.

Digitalization brings back the quality of life.  The pertinent question is how we can achieve quality of life.  It is determined by --- the ability to build up social capital, achieve professional goals, receive a quality education, and develop interpersonal relationships and connections.

As we say digitalization, which means access to information.  It is undoubtedly impacts human life by saving time, spreading knowledge, increasing the availability of communication, enhancing network interactions, improving transparency and governance, creating social capital, and empowering people.

There are some risks involved in it.  The emergence of a new digital segment there will be :

  • Multiplies theft of personal data
  • Financial resources
  • Databases, and
  • Other cyber risks

It is important that old people must be included in the digitalization process because, with the accelerated pace of the digitalization of services, in particular, these people may face feelings of anxiety and undermines their well-being.  The transition may hamper the digital environment due to the lack of skills of older people for ineffective participation thus result in a decrease in their social networks and contacts.

There is a lively example.  In particular, in the COVID-19 pandemic, the old people are staying away from using digital communications at a time when the use of such communication is especially important.

It is the growth of the internet and social media.  The usage of social media to form and expand meaningful social connections has a positive effect on the well-being of users and if user behaviour is not aimed at establishing social connections, then social networks can negatively affect the well-being of users.

In general, it aims to design and test appropriate tools for managing digitalization to direct this process on increasing the quality of life.  For this purpose, it has been analyzed mainly on [1] correlation to identify interrelations between digitalization and quality of life and [2] the potential of using the visualization matrix method to identify and monitor national trends of digitalization in the context of quality of life. 

The main crux of digitalization is social progress and increasing quality of life.  It also added further development of both concepts of the quality of life and approach for the assessment of the quality of life, digitalization, and technological progress.

Furthermore, the impact of digitalization on well-being is increasingly dependent on how we use digital tools, and in some cases, we should comprehend our limitations on their use.  In recent research, it is marked that digitalization does not turn the state into a country of prosperity.

Digitalization in the modern social context allows the possibilities for improving the quality of life in all spheres of human life, and as an environment that forms new realities and a qualitatively new potential for applying management decisions for the benefit of people.

However, it also contributes to increasing national wealth only if the country has an adequate education system, good governance, and a philanthropic financial system.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Importance of physical education and good health

Physical activity and health are played a pertinent role. It helps mainly in the prevention of disease.  One should know that health benefits are proportional to the amount of physical activity. 

Study reveals that more than 60 per cent adults are not regularly physically active and significant health benefits can be obtained by including a moderate amount of physical activity, such as 30 to 40 minutes, on most, if not all, days of the week and that through this modest increase in daily activity, most people can improve their health and quality of life.

It has been seen among youth that they are not vigorously active on a regular basis.  During adolescence, physical activity declines dramatically.  Doctors are saying childhood obesity is real, as children ages 6–19 are considered overweight.

The message is quite clear the majority of them are physically inactive and as a result is at a greater risk of developing a disease.  Overweight and obesity are prone to disease and thus action needs to be taken in an attempt to decrease the amount of physically inactive people. Requirements of physical education at the elementary and secondary levels are certainly falling behind.

Mandatory physical education programs are often an afterthought. The need of the hour is to improve quality of life.  It is time the ownership needs to be taken by institutions of higher learning by implementing is as follows:
  • In the general education curriculum, physical education courses should be included among all first-year college students since youths are the architects of the country.  As follows:
  • Physical education programs should be in higher education
  • Specific references to maintaining personal health and wellness
  • The legal implications for mandatory physical education at private institutions of higher learning will also be outlined


It is rightly said that the benefits of physical activity are clearly established.  Regular physical activity reduces the risk of:
  • Premature mortality
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Colon cancer and
  • Diabetes mellitus
Moreover, physical activity also improves mental health.  There must be a rising trend to move towards a holistic approach towards health and physical activity with the concept of wellness.

Health is  wealth and stimulates an individual makes possible the highest enjoyment of life, the greatest constructive work, and that shows itself in the best service to the world.  A healthy lifestyle is not solely limited to physical activity.  It encompasses health as freedom from disease is a standard of mediocrity, health as a quality of life is a standard of inspiration and increasing achievement.

In general, there are six dimensions of wellness
  • Emotional development
  • Intellectual development
  • Physical development
  • Social development
  • Occupational development and
  • Spiritual development
If a person follows wellness in any one of these dimensions experiences an extension of that well-being to other dimensions but a lack of wellness in any one of these dimensions will also affect other dimensions, diminishing the person’s well-being in those areas.

No doubt, the university curriculum provides an excellent opportunity to incorporate and raise the level of awareness of health and wellness behaviours.  

The awareness of health-related fitness knowledge may counter negative lifestyle behaviours which include limited physical activity, high levels of academic stress, poor diet, and increased alcohol use. 

It is to be kept in mind, the education should base on the philosophy which seeks to develop the whole person with equal emphasis on mind, spirit, and body.  The goal of the required physical education is to give students a basic knowledge of exercise physiology and exercise prescription that will help them develop and maintain a lifelong personal fitness program. 

During physical education, a student should be able to identify:
  • The relationship between lifestyle and selected health problems
  • Evaluate their current lifestyle in relationship to future health problems
  • Concepts and components of health-related fitness
  • Evaluate their personal health-fitness
  • Develop knowledge and skill   


The ongoing physical education offers an excellent chance at making significant changes in the living patterns of a larger population in future years.  The main thrust is living at their optimum levels—physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually—can enhance their chances for success.

The message is clear that for a nation prosper everyone should be physically active.  It should be borne in mind that we cannot separate the health and physical education course. The direction should be a proper combination of the health course with the physical education course to get the immense benefit. 

The ultimate goal of general education is to incorporate courses that will be meaningful and will have an impact on the lives of students.  The importance of health and wellness are primarily dependent on encouraging students to think of maintaining health and wellness as an active rather than reactive process.           

Educating the students of the value of regular physical activity and wellness is essential and thus how we can get rid of negative lifestyle behaviours like high levels of academic stress, poor diet, and increased alcohol use which not only affecting as an individual but the community as a whole.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Friday, 9 July 2021

Meditation and its effects on health


Meditation is to calm the mind and expand consciousness. People do meditation practice, and it has been known since a long time ago.   

Meditation is a source of inspiration, and it is helpful in coping with chronic disorders or stress.  Due to psychological stress, many disorders are developed and meditation practices such as mindfulness meditation are beneficial for reducing stress, depression and anxiety.

According to the study reveals patients with active depression and anxiety have participated in meditation course showed a reduction of both depression and anxiety. Yoga practising is also examined in many studies as a depression treatment and showed some promising results even in distressed women.

Meditation is to calm the mind.  The main practice is to achieve ‘naked’ awareness without content.  There are also meditative techniques like:

  • Mindfulness
  • Concentration and
  • Automatic self-transcendence

One can do mindfulness meditation which can be described as non-elaborative and non-judgmental awareness.  Mindfulness training is thought to be beneficial for health due to developing new emotion regulation strategies like observing and accepting emotions without judgement.

Nowadays, across the world, people are using these practices in order to obtain well-being, improve their condition in chronic diseases and reduce stress.  The main purpose of practising mindfulness to become more reflective and more resistant to unpleasantness inside us which is thought to be beneficial for our psychical health.  It is enlightenment of our hearts.

Constantly, in order to keep pace with the changing scenario, human is exposed to stress.  Due to which people are suffering from psychological stress in order to adapt to changing environments and thus it triggers too many physiological responses like the nervous system, peripheral organs, immune system but also the brain which eventually will have an impact on behaviour. 

Keeping in mind the stress, two therapies have come into rescue one is Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and another one is just usual therapy alone (TAU group).  As a result, the study showed a positive effect and beneficial in treating especially of those who have symptoms of active depression and anxiety. 

Meditation does bring significant improvements in mood, stress, sleep quality, well-being, and mental health component of quality of life. 

Online meditation is also examined for its efficacy.  This online programme is comprised of modules from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.  This module is extremely helpful for those who have post-traumatic stress disorder because it helps in reducing the symptoms.  It also showed greater improvements of those who are alcoholics and smokers.  It has been noticed with meditation intervention, improved mental health and decreased stress, anxiety, and depression.

Broadly classified the influence of meditation on migraines.  It has been divided into four groups:

  • Spiritual Meditation
  • Internally Focused Secular Meditations
  • Externally Focused Secular Meditation and
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation

The main result is to decrease the frequency of migraine headaches.

Meditation has been popularized as a holistic wellness approach. It is the effectiveness of depression treatment.  Participating in meditation classes resulted in the reduction of depression, anger, anxiety, neurotic symptoms and low-frequency heart rate variability. Results suggest meditation as a promising intervention.  Moreover, related psychological outcomes are improved.

For ages, meditation is a practice known but only decades ago it started gaining popularity across the world.  Many studies of meditation practices revealed immense beneficial effects on depression, mood, anxiety and stress. Nowadays people are under more and more stress, meditation may be a useful practice in maintaining health and wellbeing.

People are more aware of the effects of practices such as mindfulness meditation or yoga and consider their pivotal role especially in addressing psychological stress.  In meditation, it has been controlled through mental silence approach to meditation and then relaxation to active control which gives a significant improvement of reduced work stress and depressed mood.  However, further researches on meditation practices are still needed.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Computer as a form of education

At the present stage of educational task, is imperative to improve the efficacy of the existing means, methods, and forms of work, as well as finding new and more efficient ones.   With the onset of modern technology, the chore is to gradually implement the content being adapted to different age groups, levels, and forms of education in preschool institutions.

Keeping in mind the preschool program should create the conditions for the use of computers in their work with children in relation to a specified age with proper planning and delivery of educational activities.

In preschool, primary education is organized through games, which encourage the development of the potential of the children preparing them for school, as well as life in general, and in addition to that computers should have a place in their playing and learning.

According to the study, it reveals that at the age of three years and 7 months, children are already able to learn to independently use a computer, while an early two-year-old can “handle a computer mouse.” 

The use of computers in the preschool period is associated with the cognitive and social development of children.  Children who have access to a computer perform better in preparation and are in the process of developing concepts and ideas. 

Computer access in preschool institutions helps children to overcome the differences that result from not having access to it at home and gives them a fair chance to participate in the group activities and closes the hesitation gap with and without a computer.

During the initiation of computers among children, it should be realized that children under three years of age are characterized by specific physical, perceptual, and sensory cognition of their body and the world around them. They only experience the world mainly through their senses – eyesight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.  However, the information technology in this age group is not significant and it does not represent the real needs of a child.

Nonetheless, after the age of three, children can learn how to independently use a computer. Thus, the implementation of information technology in educational work satisfies their needs and interests.

There has been a lot of views expressed and observations that too much time at a computer, can become isolated and deprived of social relationships that are necessary for their overall development.  The most common issues raised in relation to computer use are:

  • Health threats
  • Possible addiction
  • Changes in child’s interests
  • Threat to the acquisition of basic operational skills [preschool and school],
  • Threatens the computer preschool teacher and teachers
  • Decreased socialization and possible dehumanization of the educational process
  • Threat to the preschool teachers and their role
  • Empirical evidence of better and deeper learning
  • Learning to think by using a computer
  • Influence on the difference gap between the school children

There are certain assumptions of parents about the possible negative and positive consequences of the use of computers by children in preschool. Parents are most concerned with the four negative consequences:

  • Deviation from the classes and school activities
  • Danger to physical health
  • Encouraging children to aggressive behaviour and
  • Fear that children who use a computer forget the basic skills such as writing and arithmetic

As for the positive outcomes of computer use, parents most often mention:

  • English language competences
  • Development of concentration and- speed of observations in children
  • Reinforcement of curiosity
  • Promotion of sociability and readiness for co-operation

However, a lot of parents have raised eyebrows, despite that computer education is becoming as important as basic literacy.  While computer should inculcate as a form of the educational system, there are many other reasons that make its application in educational work with children difficult :

  • Non-functional space in which educational activities with children are carried out
  • Insufficient number of modern teaching aids
  • Reluctance to give up old habits, as well as fear of new challenges and demands, hence the hesitation in more active implementation of the proclaimed goals and tasks
  • a large number of children in the group
  • Insufficient training of educators in the field of IT technologies
  • To give computer literacy among the preschool children required a specific training program for preschool educators which is delivered through IT:
  • Basic computer skills
  • Specific IT skills that are important for working with children
  • Basic theoretical knowledge about the possibilities of IT application in working with children, as well as the specific areas of child development it can promote

It is assumed that preschool educators believe that computers have a positive impact in working with preschool children.  Therefore, it is necessary to possess sufficient competence to use personal computers in their work with children of preschool age.  It will be added advantage if they acquired most of their digital skills and competencies through various forms of informal education on their own.

Furthermore, it is very important for teachers in preschool institutions to recognize the importance of continuous monitoring on the development and learning of children and always look for better and more efficient ways to nurture and enrich the experiences that children inevitably acquire in our information society.

With the rapid scientific and technological development, a computer has become a part of all aspects of life: economy, education, free time and family.  In contemporary society since children acquire knowledge before school age, the question is how to prepare them for the world in which we live. 

Perceptibly, a computer is an extremely important and useful tool if properly implemented, significantly contributes to the development of children skills and advancement of educational work.

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